Friday, January 8, 2010

Bia Hoi !

Here it is, the inevitable Vietnamese beer post !  I'd have to say that after a year of drinking the stuff, Cambodian beer is not all that great - the generic lagers lack flavour, colour and body.  But after visiting Hanoi, the same is definitely not true of the Vietnamese drop.  The lagers seem more flavoursome here, with a stronger hop profile, distinctive malt flavours and more body.  Halida and Hanoi were both a good drop, but my favourite was Biere la Rue (Export).  If I could get this in Australia, i'd probably be buying it regularly (high praise from an English bitter drinker).  The crown jewels in Vietnam's beer heritage though has to be Bia Hoi.  If you like beer and find yourself in Vietnam, don't miss out on this experience.  Bia Hoi is brewed fresh daily by 3 big breweries in the city and distributed fresh to the hundreds of Bia Hoi outlets in 100 litre barrels.  With no additives or preservatives and no gas it spoils quickly and is intended to be drunk the same day it is brewed.  Apparently it was introduced in the early 1960's by the Czech's and it resembles a light pilsener but it is very drinkable.  Bia Hoi establishments are normally street-side and consist of small plastic chairs and tables although there are some larger places too.  The beer is poured straight from the barrel and it's very popular with the locals.  The shot below of John & I was taken after several hours at a local Bia Hoi one afternoon, this was a cracking spot to watch the world go by.  The best thing about Bia Hoi is the cost - 3000 Dong for a 330ml glass (about 16 US cents) - our afternoon session consisting of 8 beers came to a total of $1.30 !

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