Saturday, October 3, 2009

Development vs. Human Rights

I've recently discovered a great blog ( which is dedicated to publishing 'sensitive' information about Cambodia.  In an environment where press freedom is being eroded this is a breath of fresh air.  You might remember my post a couple of months about the development of Boeng Kak Lake in central Phnom Penh - well, KI media has run a very concise article detailing the background of the development as well as the numerous alleged human rights abuses surrounding it (  What I found particularly fascinating reading this was the comments section below the article - it's clear to me that there are a significant number of Khmer followers of the blog and it's interesting to hear their views as it's difficult to get them to talk about politics or sensitive issues normally (it seems there is a legacy of fear from the Khmer Rouge era, and an inordinate respect for power and those who wield it, that makes it hard for people to express their views publicly).  Of particular interest to me are those who are expressing support for development, even at the expense of human rights.  Of course development and human rights don't need to be mutually exclusive but it's clear there is at least some support here for the rapid wholesale transfer of land to, and development by private interests, wrapped up in a sense of nationalist pride in the progress of the nation.

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